Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Crowdsource The Industry

In today’s entertainment business, crowdsourcing is evolving into a sustainable economy path with Internet platforms for artists and entrepreneurs especially to fund their projects and business ventures.  There are common misconceptions that websites like Kickstarter.com and Indiegogo.com are easy ways for people to panhandle the digital avenues of cyberspace to support their art habit.

 Moreover, it is sometimes hard to believe that anything productive could come from such schemes when you see campaigns for random things like potato salad, meat soap, or Miley Cyrustwerking T-shirts.  It seems that this new unrefined market puts the Internets full capabilities to use, allowing anyone to fund anything.  While crowdsourcing sites may allow for some ridiculous charities, it is important to notice that however fruitless, tasteless they may be, these people’s projects are receiving funding.  The numbers that result from a well-put together crowdsourcing campaign are evidence of a viable way to produce capital support for artists in todays struggling music industry.  Entrepreneurs alike now have a risk-free opportunity to fund new business start-ups.  As proven a viable market that crowdsourcing is, it is still largely considered a shameful act of begging, even worse, people with great ideas are afraid to ask for help with funding their ideas.  It takes a certain amount of bravery to ask for help in today’s society because of social pressures and increasingly general expectancies of independence.  The average music listener with internet today could download an artist’s entire discography for free from a torrent website, so it can be hard for that artist to ask for financial support for their next album.  However surprisingly, fans will step up to the plate when asked and deliver what is necessary for that artist to remain productive.  For every modest amount of people that back a crowdsourcing project comes an exponential amount of capital.  With the entertainment industry undergoing its current and continued turbulence and reform, crowdsourcing provides the flame that keeps the artist and entrepreneur warm so that they may continue to forge new work in the ever-changing business.

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